
  • I am a professor of linguistics at Heinrich-Heine-Universität in Düsseldorf. My work bridges several subdisciplines in linguistics, including language documentation, typology, formal semantics, morpho-syntax and corpus linguistics.
  • Since a lot of people have been wondering about my name, here is a page with instructions for pronunciation.
  • I live in Düsseldorf with my philosopher husband David Löwenstein.
  • Supervision requests: I take on few PhD students, and only if they’re fully funded and their thesis contributes substantially to the documentation of less-described languages. If you don’t have a PhD position with me, you’ll need a project proposal for a scholarship application before I talk to you.

My handle on bluesky is @kilinguistics.


  • Intro to morphology
    I just published my intro to morphology (Einführung in die Morphologie, in German). It starts out from the idea of the morphological cycle, which suggests that languages move through stages of isolating, agglutinating and fusional morphology, and uses this idea to introduce basic concepts of morphology, including inflection, derivation, paradigms, and different types and degrees … Continue reading “Intro to morphology”
  • DGfS Workshop 2025
    With my colleagues Ingo Plag and Jessica Nieder, we’re organizing a workshop on Morphological Variation at the upcoming DGfS in Mainz. I’m looking forward to reading the submitted abstracts!
  • Open Text Collections
    I’m excited to be a regional editor for Open Text Collections! We’re aiming to publish curated, thematically consistent sets of interlinear glossed texts from a wide range of languages, and I’m looking forward to new submissions.
  • APLL 2024
    It was great to be at APLL this year. It’s one of my favourite conferences and this instalment in Amsterdam was great fun, with lots of interesting new data from Austronesian and Papuan languages. My talk was mostly a toolkit for studying TAM expressions in Melanesia and beyond.